If you are trying to figure out how to pay for college, you may be considering easy scholarships to apply for. Unlike student loans that you have to pay off, scholarship money is free money. It is well worth it to explore available scholarships to help provide money for tuition and school expenses for college. But where do you start and which scholarship applications are the easiest?

Many times, scholarship applications require a lot – including your high school transcripts, GPAs, ACT/SAT test scores, work and volunteer experience, essays and more. We will show you some easy scholarships, or sometimes called no-essay scholarships that are worth considering. Be forewarned if you are googling easy scholarships. There are scholarship scams out there. If a scholarship seems too good to be true, or charges fees, stay clear. We’ve put together a list of legitimate easy scholarships for you. They’ll require less on their applications so you can apply for several.
3 Tips for Winning Easy Scholarships
Just because you apply to an easy scholarship does not mean you should not put your best effort in. They may be simpler to apply for, but you need to do your best to increase your odds of winning. Here are top recommendations to win a scholarship:
#1: Research the scholarship’s company. Figure out their mission so that you can align your responses. You’ll be more like to win if you do this.
#2: Check the details. Double-check everything you enter on your application, especially spelling and grammar.
#3: Most importantly, make sure you submit your application completely and on time.
Easy Scholarships
1) Unigo $10,000 Scholarship
The Unigo $10,000 no-essay scholarship is easy to apply for. They do ask that you respond in 250 words in a variety of topics but this is relatively a small request for a chance for a large scholarship. An example topic: “Imagine a historical figure is brought back to life. Who is it? What’s their favorite mobile app?
2) ScholarshipPoints $10,000 Scholarship
This large Scholarship will not require an essay and should only take a few minutes to apply. They offer this on a quarterly basis which is nice as you can enter more than once. Winners of the ScholarshipPoints scholarship are drawn at random.
4) CollegeXpress $10,000 Scholarship
The CollegeXpress Scholarship is another random drawing scholarship. It takes a simple registration to apply.
5) GenM $5,000 Quarterly Scholarship
This easy scholarship takes moments to apply for. You’ll be asked to include profile information, and skills and industries you’re looking for. It’s a site that encourages you to build relevant skills as an apprentice and get a chance to win $5,000!
6) DoSomething.org $5000 Scholarship
This $5000 scholarship for participation in community service campaigns. Sign up for a campaign, complete it, and then submit photos. Wait for the random drawing and that’s it!

7) VIP Voice $5,000 Scholarship
Once you confirm your registration, you will be eligible to begin taking surveys. Then you’ll be able to enter for the scholarship.
8) Course Hero $5,000 Scholarship
Simply review a college course on CourseHero.com to improve your chances of winning.
9) Niche $2,000 Scholarship
This no essay scholarship is open to all college students and those planning to enroll in the next year. You’ll need to create a free account to apply.
10) $1,000 Cappex Easy College Money Scholarship
The Cappex Easy College Money scholarship is for you if you are currently enrolled in high school or college or plan to enroll in the next 12 months. Simply complete their quick application to have a chance to win.

11) Sallie Mae $1,000 Monthly Sweepstakes
Sallie Mae, known for student loans, also offers monthly sweepstakes. Register online for a chance to win.
12) Back to School $1000 Scholarship
Write a little about how you would redo high school if given a chance. You can enter for a chance to win a $1,000 scholarship.
13) Because College is Expensive $500 Scholarship
This one boasts no qualifications other than you are a student and planning on enrolling within 2 years. There is a random drawing monthly.
14) How Do You Make College Cheaper $500 Scholarship
There is no word limit for this scholarship. But keep it short and simple to enter to win. Your essay can be creative and fun, such as “eat ramen”.
15) Courage to Grow $500 Scholarship
Courage to Grow requires a short 250-word essay but it’s relatively easy to apply for this monthly scholarship.
Easy scholarships certainly are a great way to help you afford college. You’ll want to apply for several before you decide to apply for a student loan. After all, scholarships are free money and are well worth the minimal effort required in their applications. Simple scholarships are quicker to complete and less exhausting and frustrating. And maybe, you will find them fun! We hope our list of easy scholarships will get you on your way to getting money to help pay for school.